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Nature sub-journal: Scientists discover "natural anti-aging molecules" that extend average life span by 64%

What is the ceiling of human lifespan?
For a long time, biologists believed that there was a significant correlation between the "lifespan limit and the length of puberty", ie that the general lifespan of humans was approximately 10 times the length of puberty. Based on a 12-year puberty period, the life expectancy ceiling should be around 120 years, which is roughly the same as the value calculated by the American biologist Hevlik's limit.

However, in reality, the average life expectancy of human beings is far from being reached. According to the ranking of life expectancy per capita of countries in the world announced by the United Nations, China will rank 82nd in 2023 with an average life expectancy of 77.3 years, and even Japan, which ranks first, will have an average life expectancy of only 87.7 years.

How to slow down the aging process under genetic limitations has become a proposition that scientists around the world are struggling with. It is only in the last decade, with the rapid development of basic research, that a series of revolutionary breakthroughs have finally emerged in the field of aging intervention.

In July 2022, a study jointly released by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China found that a substance called PCC1 (proanthocyanidin C1), when given to elderly subjects, showed strong senescent cell removal ability, but also extended the average life expectancy of the subjects by 64.2%, and the study is now published in the top medical journal "Nature Metabolism".The study was published in the top medical journal Nature Metabolism.

The researchers conducted an unbiased screening of a database of 46 plant species (the PDMA library). It was ultimately determined that a flavonoid, PCC1, found in a particular grape seed possessed an extremely strong potential to clear senescent cells. Compared to the classic DQ combination (quercetin + dasatinib) proposed by US scientists in 2019, PCC1 showed more targeted clearance and less cell-dependency in the experiment.

But despite the encouraging experimental data, there is still a long way to go from the laboratory to civilian-level applications. Currently in the field of traditional Chinese medicine anti-aging, leading Chinese medicine company Ealing Pharmaceuticals based on the "Chinese medicine qiluo doctrine essence theory" as a guide, the launch of the oral anti-aging innovative traditional Chinese medicine - eight tonic capsule, is still the only choice for high-income people.

Public information shows, "eight son tonic kidney capsule" is to cuscuta, wolfberry, schizandra, snakebeds, golden cherry, raspberries, leeks, neem and other eight Chinese medicines as the core ingredients, the integration of a number of ancient recipes to the ground of the anti-aging proprietary Chinese medicine. In an animal experiment with 1200 mice, the Eight Kidney Supplement Capsules successfully improved the cognitive ability and immune system function of the mice, and the longest survival The period of the Eight Kidney Group was lengthened by nearly 11 months.

In June this year, the research on the "Eight Children's Anti-Aging" went one step further. A study published in Phytomedicine, an authoritative journal in the field of international medicine, clearly pointed out that by supplementing with Bazi Kidney Capsules, a number of aging indicators of the middle-aged and elderly subjects, consisting of 530 people, have improved significantly, including the skin and hair, bones and muscles, and muscle strength of elderly people, especially the telomerase activity, which is a measure of health and youthfulness, was improved by 76.7% compared with the control group.76.7 per cent. For hundreds of millions of people over the age of 30 suffering from sub-health and premature aging, this result is undoubtedly good news.

How to effectively slow down the aging process?Obviously, after the introduction of the eight kidney capsule, people have a more specific and eager answer to this question.

According to the Ealing 2024 interim report, the first half of Ealing achieved operating income of 4.606 billion yuan, of which the innovative anti-aging traditional Chinese medicine eight son capsule as one of the main research and development results, has received widespread attention.

It is worth mentioning that the data also shows that the audience of this achievement has become nearly 80% of the high-knowledge and high-net-worth people in the first and second-tier cities, and their age is concentrated in 35-65 years old.

The godfather of contemporary genomics, Harvard University professor George Church (George Church) once said: I have always had a dream, I hope that aging intervention technology can help humans in their twilight years can also have the health of 22 years old, and now, with the emergence of a number of aging intervention products such as Bazi Kidney Capsules, this vision is gradually becoming a reality.


Time: October 16-18, 2024

Address: Xi'an International Convention and Exhibition Center

With the support of the China Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry Association, API China has become a brand event that collects industry characteristics, displays product technologies, helps companies interpret policies and regulations, improves industry production levels, and reflects industry development trends. The exhibition is supported by more than 97% of China's pharmaceutical industry companies and provides information exchange for pharmaceutical companies' decision-making, procurement, technology, and R&D personnel with target customers. The best opportunities for flow and business cooperation.

Exhibition description: As an exhibition representing new products and technologies in the pharmaceutical industry in China, with the full support of the China Chemical Pharmaceutical Industry Association and the China Pharmaceutical Packaging Association, API China & PHARMPACK & SINOPHEX & PHARMEX panoramically displays pharmaceutical raw materials, chemical intermediates, pharmaceutical packaging materials, pharmaceuticals The equipment industry chain focuses on improving the overall level of the pharmaceutical industry and creating a safety and health guarantee system with Chinese characteristics.

Each exhibition has more than 1,000 API companies, more than 300 pharmaceutical packaging companies, more than 200 pharmaceutical equipment companies, and 30,000 buyers from home and abroad gathered at the exhibition.

The three-day exhibition was a platform to find high-quality suppliers, explore technologies and processes, learn about new industry trends, and communicate and learn with colleagues in the industry.