What is your minimum order quantity (MOQ)?

  • Our minimum order quantity depends on the product you ordered, usually 1kg.

What are the payment options?

  • We accept PayPal, T/T payment.

The product page does not have the product I want,can you help?

  • Please email or phone us.

How much is delivery?

  • This will be calculated automatically according the size of order and your shipping address.

 How long does delivery take?

  • East Asia (Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan)‌: The transportation time from China to East Asia is shorter, usually arriving within 1-3 days. For example, it takes 3 days to get from China to Busan, South Korea, 3 days to Japan, Tokyo, and Yokohama, and 2 days to get to Taiwan, China, and Hong Kong, China‌.
  • Australia-New Zealand Line (Australia, New Zealand)‌: It takes about 15 days from China to Sydney, Australia, and about 20 days to New Zealand‌.
  • United States‌: The cargo transportation time from China to the United States has been shortened from 9 days to 4 days, because it can be mailed directly from Beijing Daxing International Airport without going through multiple transfer stations‌.
  • Malaysia‌: The time required for re-export trade from China to Malaysia is 8-12 days for the first leg of shipping, plus 3-5 days for customs clearance and container change, the total time is between 11-17 days‌.
  • European countries‌: The shipping time from China to European countries is generally between 30-40 days‌.